Here is the new site for products and service:

Super8 technology -

Mike´s cams 

last modification: february 10th, 2012

recommended Cameras for usage

Be aware:

Usability, quality, reliability  is a goal of this list (and for my own modifications and developments)

 have listed for you some brandnames and their cameras with tips from my own deep technical view of this stuff. I tell also about my preferencies and the reasons. Brandnames and cams I do not know (or like) are not listed here.

For overviews of other cameras also build but not listed here, please look at links contact.

AGFA     Beaulieu     Braun/Nizo     Bosch/Bauer     Canon   Chinon      


Cosina     Porst   Revue   Rollei   Sankyo Quarz/Zenit       Single-8 Fujica

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